Android workmanager periodic work request example
Here is a sample code. build() WorkManager. SDK Level 30) launching from Android Studio. 0-beta01") for the same. setInitialDelay(delayedTime, TimeUnit. Mar 3, 2023 · Once you have the WorkManager, you can set the work constraints and schedule the work request. It shows you how to schedule: one-time work request. For more about… Jun 21, 2018 · It works great on android API 23 and above, but not on android API 21. PeriodicWorkRequest periodicWork = new PeriodicWorkRequest. The updateWork() method allows you to change certain aspects Aug 9, 2020 · The problem with Work Manager is that it doesn't execute the Periodic Work after the app is closed. Jun 8, 2018 · Schedule a job that runs once a day in background. 1). startTime = TimeUnit. Jan 24, 2024 · Expedited work. Does not need to run at a specific time. So even if the device is relaunched, your tasks will be executed at the given time i Mar 16, 2022 · Let’s quickly talk about cases when you would choose to use WorkManager. PeriodicWorkRequest - runs repeated task every 15 mins, even if we change the time interval to anyhwere < 15 mins it will by default run for 15 mins only. startup. Overall, WorkManager is a powerful tool for managing background processing in your Android app. // START Worker. work:work-runtime:2. Learn when and how to use WorkManager, an API that handles background work that needs to run regardless of whether the application process is still running. These Workers can run longer than 10 minutes. Disclaimer from the docs: May 7, 2022 · This video shows steps to implement workmanager API to run certain background tasks for your Android App. WorkManager can create tasks that are queryable, reusable, and chainable. getInstance(). Jul 8, 2018 · Since the system runs your work you can't control the exact time it will run. My worker: class MyJob(appContext: Context, params: WorkerParameters) : CoroutineWorker(appContext, params) {. It's the cheapest for WorkManager and doesn Schedule tasks with WorkManager. MINUTES) . Add the required dependency in app level gradle: //work manager. If you have more than one, or you expect to have more in the future, a better solution is Feb 29, 2024 · NOTE: minimum interval for periodic work is 15 mins. If you have not watched the previous videos I recommend watching them first or e Nov 30, 2022 · Because PeriodicWorkRequest allows us to schedule tasks for minimum 15 min but if our requirement is to create it for less time, then what. isDone() because the state of periodical worker will be enqueued for the next time. Already Refereed this link also: its not working. addTag(TAG_PERIODIC_WORK_REQUEST). 3. class). May 11, 2018 · Workmanger can be used for scheduling single occurrence task or periodic occurrence task as well as we can schedule task at a particular time. For example, you may only want one sync operation to be active. Choose the Right Type of Work Request. if required create the backgroundExecutor. 1. NONE). Here's a basic example of how you can schedule a periodic daily work request: Here's a basic example of how you can schedule a periodic daily work request: May 28, 2019 · To use WorkManager in your app. So in below example i am calling an api in the worker class in background the setting the api data in the fragment by converting the response into an jsonfile and then receiving the broadcast in fragment. I found this in the Android's PeriodicWorkRequest documentation: This work executes multiple times until it is cancelled, with the first execution happening immediately or as soon as the given Constraints are met. periodic work request. We can cancel this request with deactivated switch. class AppClass : Application(), Configuration. Provider{. kts example. RefreshWorker::class. Flexible retry policy. For the time being, as you said, you can use a OneTimeWork request setup with initial delay, which will then en-queue a PeriodicWork request to WorkManager. e(TAG, "doWork: Work is done. class, 15, TimeUnit. May 22, 2018 · 2. gradle file: implementation 'android. WorkManager is intended for tasks that require a guarantee that the system will WorkManager now uses androidx. WorkManager should abstract those differences away. getInstance(); Aug 31, 2021 · One of them involves doing work immediately and then creating a periodic work request. To create some work for WorkManager to run, extend the Worker class and override the doWork() method. We do this by using a OneTimeWorkRequest since we only need to Mar 28, 2019 · 8. Android WorkManager can be a perfect background processing library to use when your task –. On Android 12+ the notification might not be shown. Apr 7, 2021 · For API below 23, WorkManager performs a further check. This codelab will teach you the ins and outs of WorkManager: everything from writing a simple job to more complex chained jobs. Builder(FooWorker. Add Input and output 1. We will discuss the MyWorker class in the next Oct 10, 2018 · If we change to ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy. May 29, 2020 · The android work manager API runs deferrable, guaranteed background work when specified constraints are satisfied. WorkManager Android Example. beginWith(compressWorker, renameWorker, uploadWorker) as suggested in some answers. Kotlin Java. :] Next, you’ll look at how WorkManager actually runs your work request. build(); 'delayedTime' -> calculate time when to Nov 27, 2018 · I understand that using WorkManager is the best or "modern" way. setConstraints(Constraints. 9. RUN_AS_NON_EXPEDITED_WORK_REQUEST) . . Feb 10, 2023 · This is just a very simple app that covers some basic WorkManager usage. 2. val itemId = inputData. Jul 30, 2023 · WorkRequest. Is guaranteed to run even after the app is killed or device is restarted. For creating the tasks, you can use the same approach just as you Introduction. MILLISECONDS). Sometimes work fails. e. /** * Sets the periodic interval for this unit of work. getLong("item_id",0) WorkManager は、エッジケースと互換性の問題に対応しています。また、クエリ可能、再利用可能、チェーン化可能なタスクを作成することもできます。Android の推奨タスク スケジューラでもあります。この Codelab では、簡単なジョブの作成から、より複雑なチェーン化された制約付きジョブの作成 Apr 6, 2020 · Initialize WorkManager. class, 5, TimeUnit. class, MIN_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_MILLIS, TimeUnit. getInstance(myContext). HeadlessWorkManager. Note : If Device is restarted, the first task will schedule after 15 Minutes , even though your periodic request is scheduled more then 15 minutes i. My problem is that although the work manager is successfully showing the notifications when app is running, but it won't show notification consistently in the following cases(I reduced the time span from 2 Mar 7, 2019 · The WorkManager is a part of Android Jetpack and recently, it becomes stable with the version 1. 15 minutes is min, you can see in the source: public final class PeriodicWorkRequest extends WorkRequest { /** * The minimum interval duration for {@link PeriodicWorkRequest} (in milliseconds). @AdiB: It is possible that they might extend the "unique work" system to cover both one-off and periodic requests. This way you can use . 1:8888 failed in Android caused by Charles Proxy; Android jetpack compose theme: color, typography and shape; Android compose composable, ViewModel, List and List Item state; Android compose setting view data in a composable; Android compose constraintlayout examples; More With WorkManager, you can cancel work using the id, by tag and by unique chain name. existingWorkPolicy] HeadlessWorkManager. 0, the updateWork() API is the means of doing this. KEEP ⎮ HeadlessWorkManager. */ public static final long MIN_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 15 * 60 * 1000L; // 15 minutes. OneTimeWorkRequest - runs once. KEEP, we will not able to replace the work even the period or the worker is changed. The WorkManager library provides a unified API for deferrable one-off or recurring background tasks that Oct 7, 2023 · The next step is to implement the Configuration. So even if you set 1 minute, the work will run every 15 mins only. 4. May 2, 2021 · The third method to cancel your work is the cancellation by name. build(); Oct 29, 2023 · I'm currently developing an Android app, and I need to schedule periodic background tasks to run every hour on devices running Android 13 and 14. Jun 21, 2019 · I am enqueuing a PeriodicWorkRequest through WorkManager, the code mentioned below is working on device having Android OS Nougat also on emulators of Android OS versions 8. Sep 28, 2023 · Workmanager(). You'd name your periodic work "sync" (or whatever), and when the user requested a manual sync, you'd name your one-off work "sync". OneTimeWorkRequest s and PeriodicWorkRequest s don't interfere with each other as far as WorkManager is concerned. Sample Code: final WorkManager workManager = WorkManager. The app is thought not to be kept open all the time, but when it's opened it should show the last data retrieved from the worker. BTW, what the full video, if you plan to use WorkManager it's a treasure Sep 25, 2018 · Why not schedule a periodic worker (TriggerWorker. The second step is to build the work request that will get passed to the WorkManager in the next step. For example, an app might try to upload its logs to a backend service every Jun 23, 2018 · Tested with WorkManager 2. work:work-runtime-ktx:2. // Indicate success or failure with your return value: May 3, 2024 · The doWork() method runs asynchronously on a background thread provided by WorkManager. 1. work-testing provides a special implementation of WorkManager for test mode, which is initialized using WorkManagerTestInitHelper. As example, if you want run your Worker within 15 minutes at the end of repeat interval (let's say 8 hours), code will look like this: val periodicRefreshRequest = PeriodicWorkRequest. Can be deferred to be executed. CoroutineWorker: A type of worker that uses coroutines to perform asynchronous work. WorkerResult doWork() {. For example, to create a Worker that uploads images, you can do the following: Jun 4, 2021 · The last example, let’s assume we want to get the user’s log with periodical interval with activated switch. If you just need to be sure to have your worker executed you should use KEEP as ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy. its working fine. post a notification when the task is done. We will learn more about it later in this article. Builder(TestWorker. 0. build(); workManager. cancelAllWorkById(workId) if you have the IDs & then register the new WorkRequests via enqueueUniquePeriodicWork. The tasks assigned to the WorkManager are executed even if the user is outside the app or app is closed. enqueueUniquePeriodicWork(String, ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy, PeriodicWorkRequest) instead of the WorkManager. enqueue(PeriodicWorkRequest) you're currently using. So in the above example, the outputs of plantName1, plantName2, and plantName3 would be passed in as inputs to the cache request. getInstance(); workManager. May 18, 2018 · If you are talking about asynchronus job you can move your work into RxJava Observables / Singles. enqueue(uploadWorkRequest) We can also provide constraints under which this request should execute. WorkManager will enqueues the workrequests will Jan 3, 2024 · Concepts. build()); If suppose, workmanager is not possible, please suggest any other api also in android. Worker performs on background thread so do not worry about NetworkOnMainThreadException. arch. override suspend fun doWork(): Result {. new PeriodicWorkRequest. 0-alpha07), i think it's not possible to set initial delay for the PeriodicWorkReqeust. blockingFirst() which transforms Observable<T> into blocking T. getInstance(requireContext()). I figured that this meant work would execute Jul 6, 2018 · WorkManager is not designed to run tasks every second, as it has two options to build work request that is and. To do so, complete the following steps: In your app's UI, explain to the user why your app needs to schedule exact alarms. WorkManager can run your task (s) for one time only as well To set up periodic daily work requests using WorkManager in Android, you can use the PeriodicWorkRequest class. val myWork: WorkRequest =. Feb 4, 2021 · 4. e, 1 Hour or 30 Minutes or so on. . Builder and supply a flexInterval as the 4th parameter: PeriodicWorkRequest build = new PeriodicWorkRequest. On API 21 it works only once. addTag("cleanup") . Dec 15, 2023 · WorkManager allows you to update a WorkRequest after you have already enenqueued it. Example use-cases for this new feature include bulk uploads or downloads (that cannot be chunked Feb 2, 2020 · MINUTES); PeriodicWorkRequest myWork = myWorkBuilder. execute {} and call from inside to make asynchronous calling. Then checked the time difference every time to make recursion stop before 15 minutes. cancelWorkById(request. enqueue(new OneTimeWorkRequest. With the current alpha release of WorkManager (v1. addTag(TAG) . and. cancelAllWork() or WorkManager. Builder(. Aug 18, 2023 · Android provides various APIs for background processing, but the recommended solution for persistent work is WorkManager. enqueue(myWork) Use caution when enqueuing work to avoid duplication. @Override. May 13, 2021 · This is my code. Periodic Work Requests: Use One-Time Work Requests for tasks that need to be executed only once, such as uploading a single file or syncing data at a specific moment. Provider in the Application class and provide a worker configuration as shown below: @HiltAndroidApp. But you can't use PeriodicWorkRequest. Dec 24, 2022 · From the docs "Periodic work has a minimum interval of 15 minutes. g. Notify the user that new data is available. @NonNull. This approach only works if u enqueue your work as unique work. As of WorkManager version 2. success() private suspend fun May 23, 2024 · If necessary, you can send users to the Alarms & reminders screen in system settings, as shown in Figure 1. Apr 6, 2021 · Given the life cycle of a periodic work, the state SUCCEEDED is never reached, as it bounces between RUNNING and ENQUEUED; in these two states the Result. failure() state inside doWork() after 3 retries if the request was not successful. In some experimentation I did with Work Manager, to get a periodic work request around every minute you can create a OneTimeWorkRequest and then setInitialDelay of 1 minute and then Observe the WorkRequest for the three completed states and then trigger the next OneTimeWorkRequest when Jan 4, 2024 · WorkManager has built-in support for long running workers. WorkManager workManager = WorkManager. " May 15, 2020 · What I managed to did is a sort of hack. Builder(LocationWorker. The job is to do a data fetch from the REST API (and post it to a LiveData object if possible). KEEP, periodicWork); Please suggest what i did wrong or how can I execute my code Jan 26, 2021 · I want to make a periodic background request that needs to be done only while the app in the foreground, so for example, if the period time is 24 hours so after 24 hours the work manager should wait to perform this request when the application is in the foreground. enqueueUniquePeriodicWork("Location", ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy. If you used tools:node="remove" the ContentProvider being used to initialize WorkManager in the past, then you need to do the following instead. " So you cannot use a PeriodicWorkRequest. My worker class looks something like this: public class MyWorker extends Worker {. REPLACE - This will not create new object if work manager. The task is initiated in response to an event, either internal or external. Create OneTimeWorkRequest with initial delay and call self at the end of the work inside the worker. Step 1 - Cancel the work by name. PERIODIC_WORK_REQUEST: params. isUnique] boolean: If true, any task with the same key will be replaced [params. You can achieve this by using flex period in PeriodicWorkRequest. May 18, 2018 · If you create new works and add it to the work manager then the number of times myWork runs increases. REPLACE Sep 10, 2018 · WorkRequest request = new OneTimeWorkRequest. getInstance(context) . kt then becomes: Step 3 - Run the app in debug mode. Builder . setExpedited(OutOfQuotaPolicy. We have a hack to reduce the 15mins time to run periodically. 1) & Google Pixel (Android 9. registerOneOffTask("1", "simpleTask", initialDelay: Duration(seconds: 10)); Constraints # Constraints are mapped at best effort to each platform. WorkManager does all this for you. build(); The above code creates a periodic work request that runs every 5 minutes using the MyWorker class. ONE_TIME_WORK_REQUEST ⎮ HeadlessWorkManager. add the new dependency to your build. OneTimeWorkRequest request= new OneTimeWorkRequest. - GitHub - Ikhiloya/WorkManagerPeriodicRequest: A simple app that shows how to perform a periodic task using android WorkManager. In the view model, write the method to cancel the work: Step 2 - Call cancel method. currentTimeMillis()) doSomeWork() return Result. Building the Work Request. And Use ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy. Part of Android Jetpack, WorkManager offers a simplified and consistent API for scheduling tasks that need to run in the background, even across app restarts and system reboots. Apr 18, 2020 · An ideal way of scheduling future tasks with backward compatibility. In this case, you'll want to cancel work by unique chain name, because you want to cancel all work in the chain, not just a particular step. android:name="androidx. May 9, 2020 · So I can track the retry count and repeat for 3 iterations and call a RESULT. You can find some example in this video around minute 11. 7. Add WorkManager Dependency. My app is being tested on several Pixel Emulators (e. Builder(MyWorker. Invoke an intent that includes the ACTION_REQUEST_SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM intent action. These two scenarios have their own decision trees. At I/O 2018 Google announced Android Jetpack , a collection of libraries, tools and architectural guidance to accelerate and simplify the development of great Android apps. Jun 27, 2020 · 3. build. enqueue(request) On Android versions before 12 expedited jobs will be run as a foreground service, showing a notification. Apr 1, 2020 · I`ve read that there is a method onStopped () that can be overridden, but it is for simple :Worker and not for CoroutineWorker. gradle. " The Period work requests can hang around as you develop the task (you might have initially created a "daily" job and with "KEEP" you would not have updated the frequency). setRequiresCharging(false) Jan 27, 2021 · With WorkManager configured like this and using RemoteWorkManager to schedule your jobs, you can enjoy your work being managed faster and more reliably in your multi-process app. The WorkManager is an API which can schedule your future asynchronous tasks and can run them in the background. In order to manage inputs from multiple parent work requests, WorkManager uses InputMerger. InitializationProvider". addTag("TAG") . Similar to Job Scheduler, you have to check if the Work exists or not before you add it to the Work Manager. Guarantee a minimum delay in work execution. Charles proxy configuration for Android; React Native Connect to 127. The PeriodicWorkRequest is scheduled to run every 15 minutes providing that the network constraint is satisfied and should there be any issue, WorkManager can retry the task using the specified retry policy. setConstraints(myConstraints) . public Worker. The WorkManager API for Android makes working in the background simple. build(); 5. and and and let’s look at the Jan 3, 2024 · The simplest way to enqueue work is to call the WorkManager enqueue() method, passing the WorkRequest you want to run. That would trigger a recalculation of when the periodic work should next be performed. Step 4: Submit work Request. One-Time Work Requests vs. Is there a way to replace the request after the current one is running? For example, origin request run a 1 time per day and the new request is 1 time per hour. When the data returns, check that it is newer than local data. toMinutes(System. NetworkType Constrains the type of network required for your work to run. I've tried using the WorkManager with PeriodicWorkRequest, and it works perfectly on Android versions below 13. For example Dec 13, 2023 · Building a responsive and feature-rich Android app often requires running tasks in the background. taskKey: string: The string used to register your task [params. Without WorkManager I have to write individual code for different API levels, i. Sep 25, 2019 · Using these constraints could be the cause not to work in background so make sure you use these constraint as the requirement. The API also supports both asynchronous one-off and periodic tasks. Mar 14, 2019 · Periodic work has a minimum interval of 15 minutes and it cannot have an initial delay. I called a method recursively from doWork(). You should use Expedited work for tasks that are important to the user and which complete within a few minutes. For a complete guide, refer to the official WorkManager guide here. SyncJobWorker. blockingGet() or . Use Periodic Work Requests for recurring tasks, such as regular data syncs or periodic cleanups. May 23, 2024 · In this guide you will learn how to define and customize WorkRequest objects to handle common use cases, such as how to: Schedule one-time and recurring work. getResult(). Lets code and achieve it. <provider. work:work-runtime:1. Android's WorkManager supports most of the specific constraints, whereas iOS tasks are limited. Jun 29, 2022 · If you want to chain some periodic work requests then the best way as per my knowledge is to first create a periodic work request and in the worker class inside the doWork() method just put aa the three or four requests and make them one Time request. Set work constraints like requiring Wi-Fi or charging. Also, there Dec 2, 2022 · For Periodic Work Manager, it will continue to execute even when the 📱Android Device Restarted Immediately or after a period of time. May be we'll get some API in next releases. build(); Same you can use for PeriodicWorkRequest May 23, 2024 · When you chain OneTimeWorkRequest instances, the output of parent work requests is passed in as input to the children. Mar 13, 2023 · Work manager provides service to schedule one time and periodic request which can run periodically over a time. Work can be tagged and named as well, allowing you to schedule unique Jun 15, 2023 · In the log, you should find Worker result SUCCESS for Work which means the worker is running, but you can't get the success state by operationResult. NetworkType. The work-testing artifact also provides a SynchronousExecutor which makes it easier to write tests in a synchronous manner, without having to deal with multiple threads, locks, or latches. Set retry and back-off strategies. 0-alpha02' or last version. WorkManager. 8. build(); WorkManager. Code : public Result doWork() { Integer retryAttemptCount = getInputData(). getId()); And here you can see a different ways to cancel a enqueued work: Apr 25, 2024 · This page will help you understand which solution fits your needs best. May 22, 2024 · 1. // Do the work here. There is a set of operators like . One of those libraries is the WorkManager library . CONNECTED means the work runs on when your phone is connected to the internet. May 27, 2021 · Support for both asynchronous one-off and periodic tasks; Every work request has a backoff policy and backoff delay. This video explains about the Periodic Work Request of the Work Manager API. WorkManager is now configured in such a way that your debug builds log all the messages coming from the library. In this example it checks whether is Wifi is enable Jan 3, 2019 · Since background services are history now, I thought of using WorkManager ("android. java class. The Worker class you provide is basically the bag of operations you hand over to WorkManager to be deferred, as in executed as soon as every given Jul 10, 2018 · 1. class, REPEAT_INTERVAL, // repeatInterval. getInstance() This method allows you to enqueue a uniquely-named PeriodicWorkRequest, where only one PeriodicWorkRequest of a particular name can be active at a time. enqueue(request); workManager. In such cases, WorkManager can provide a signal to the OS that the process should be kept alive if possible while this work is executing. Aug 7, 2018 · ghost commented on Aug 17, 2018. Create a class MyWorker and extend Worker: Mar 6, 2022 · WorkManager is used to schedule tasks that need to be executed reliably. Your best option for creating a work execution delay is to use this PeriodicWorkRequest. Feb 25, 2024 · Assuming you need to cancel all the previous WorkRequest s (say on a new app update), you can use - WorkManager. Nov 15, 2018 · Given the nature of the work you want to do (download something from the network) I would probably use a ListenableWorker and a ResolvableFuture that have been introduced in one of the last alpha of WorkManager. Dec 19, 2018 · WorkManager is an Android library that runs deferrable background work when the work’s constraints are satisfied. Feb 20, 2024 · The following code shows how to create a periodic work request that runs every 5 minutes: PeriodicWorkRequest request =. MILLISECONDS) . You can schedule one-time works and periodic works using the same Worker class. Set Work Constraints You can specify work constraints for the work request. If the device has Play Services installed, WorkManager sends the work request to GCM Network Manager. WorkManager is the recommended task scheduler on Android. including one-time and periodic to submit your work request to the WorkManager queue Nov 28, 2019 · Note: I have this onetime request. use BroadcastReceiver for devices with API level <27 and JobScheduler for higher API levels. getInstance(context). This is often necessary in larger apps that frequently change constraints or need to update their workers on the fly. A better option is probably to set up WorkManager in this way only for debug builds of your app, using something like: The complete BlurApplication. OutputData object is empty, so I cannot use it. getInt("retryAttempts",0); Log. There are two main scenarios to consider for background tasks: The task initiated by the user while the app is visible. However, it doesn't seem to work as expected on Android 13 and 14. This is all you need if you have a single Worker class type in your application. 1, 9 & 10 but not on OnePlus (Android 9), Redmi 5 (Android 8. 0 and on these firmwares and Android versions: EMUI Global (users also need to whitelist the application via Settings->Battery->App launch->More (three dots menu)->Manage manually): 10 (EMUI 12). Google already has libraries like this: JobScheduler and Firebase Job Dispatcher. You can find the proof in the WorkSpec. startup to initialize WorkManager. The following is an example of creating NetworkType constraints. implementation 'androidx. Without Periodic Work running, users cannot receive notifications. WorkManager offers flexible retry policies, including a configurable exponential backoff Aug 31, 2019 · The basic is to use WorkManager. MILLISECONDS. You can use WorkManager to schedule immediate work for execution in the background. If it’s not installed, WorkManager uses Alarm Manager to run the work. setConstraints(constraints) . kt) whose job is just to trigger the unique jobs, that will actually execute as non-periodic. In this blog, we will talk about how to integrate the work manager in your android project and much more advanced feature and customization which makes your life easy in scheduling tasks. If your firmware not in list, ask google or check Don't kill my app!. Builder(CustomWorkerClass. override fun getWorkManagerConfiguration(): Configuration {. WorkManager allows you to schedule work to run one-time or repeatedly using flexible scheduling windows. even, app is closed also. Create a base class of Worker: May 3, 2024 · Because "WorkManager is intended for tasks that require a guarantee that the system will run them even if the app exits. Use Android Jetpack’s WorkManager API to schedule necessary background work, such as data backups or fresh content downloads, that keeps running even if May 29, 2021 · val request = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<SendMessageWorker>() . PeriodicWorkRequest worker = new PeriodicWorkRequest. class) . Create a periodic work request, we need to specify our worker class, time and its unit in which our task will be execute at least once as long as the constraints are satisfied. May 16, 2018 · You can schedule a work, with onetime initial delay or execute it periodically, using the WorkManager as follows: Create Worker class: public class MyWorker extends Worker {. java, // Your worker class. Jul 19, 2018 · Check below Android doc example: OneTimeWorkRequest cacheCleanupTask = new OneTimeWorkRequest. Builder(MyCacheCleanupWorker. @Inject lateinit var workerFactory : HiltWorkerFactory. KEEP instead of ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy. I expected stock Android behavior from those emulators. PeriodicWorkRequest periodicWorkRequest = new PeriodicWorkRequest. May 14, 2023 · PeriodicWorkRequest: A work request that runs at specific intervals, such as once a day or once an hour. 1'. de jq pd qi ay ri xd um ub rm