Blazor authorizeview not working
FromResult Mar 20, 2020 · First, you will need to disable authentication on all pages. For API endpoint, I already implemented but I am not sure how to just render the authorized html in blazor. However, the DataAnnotationsValidator only validates top-level properties of the model bound to the form that aren't collection- or complex-type properties. Inject your implementation class of AuthenticationStateProvider. So, if you want to exclude some pages from the authentication requirement, one approach is to have a same layout without AuthorizeView, and make Nov 28, 2019 · The OP wants to know how the authentication state is routed to a Blazor App, not how it is used in the Blazor App. however at some stage i must have altered a setting on Identity server as this is now preventing non-logged in users from REgistering or accessing logon pages. In your case, where you want to reset the layout completely, we would ideally like to be able to add a line @layout null at the top of the file, in a similar Aug 11, 2020 · I stumbled upon a little problem within my blazor server-side application in which I have the following base: I've developed an application using <AuthorizeView> for customer access. Oct 28, 2019 · Other than that, though, the attribute works the same way in Blazor as it does in ASP. Authorization namespace in my Blazor Server Project. Combines the behaviors of AuthorizeView and RouteView, so that it displays the page matching the specified route but only if the user is authorized to see it. Services. This post is part of the series: Securing Your Blazor Apps. Authorization package from NuGet in order to do this. The "Hello {Username}" should be displayed always. I'm trying to set up authorization with Blazor . IsInRole must be true for one of the following roles: (admin) blazor-webassembly. 2. To Reproduce. Blazor Server cant access controller with [Authorize ASP. Create a login form. The problem is that Blazor doesn't decompose the roles array, it just takes the raw text and interprets that as the name of the role rather than a JSON object it needs to handle. /// <summary>. In this post, I’m going to show you how to configure role-based authorization in a client-side Blazor application. AddDevExpressBlazor(); services. I even added the same Nuget Libraries and mirrored the _Imports. NET Core. I'm trying to use AuthorizeView with policies to hide options in my navigation, but the views are cascading, meaning I have something like this: See full list on gunnarpeipman. Feb 29, 2024 · The output in the DevTools console in Edge is Microsoft. Dec 5, 2020 · I've been trying to get a very simple project using the <AuthorizeView Roles="rolename"> without any luck. Integral to the ASP. if you require authorization at startup it will always be authorized. Learn how to use AuthorizeRouteView to authorize users on route. 0 Preview. 1. {. . 👍 17 CodeFontana, jpgarza93, diegomgarcia, AleksandrSt, KrzysztofUrbanczyk, jdbahnick, ChrisCA, tjorvenK, GetGol, skrasekmichael, and 7 more reacted Mar 1, 2024 · For the current release, see the . Please refer to the below articles for more basics about the Blazor framework. net 8 and Azure B2C I have been unsuccessful in getting any of the samples to work with the release of . 8k33544. The xref:Microsoft. Add()) disallows users to access the single page that hosts your Blazor App. Apr 15, 2020 · I'm working on a small application that uses Blazor and Authentication / Authorization and for the most part the Roles based authorization is perfect. Authorize attribute in Blazor and AuthorizeRouteView component. razor page in the current blazor project. NET Core ecosystem, Blazor offers developers a unique combination of server-side rendering and rich client-side interactivity. DeviceId} doesn't work - there's no DeviceId on AuthenticationState. Security scenarios differ between authorization code running server-side and client-side in Blazor apps. DefaultAuthorizationService[2] Authorization failed. Mar 15, 2021 · 1. One way of handling this is to have use a AdminPanelComponent for all admin elements, and apply admin authorization rules on that component. Authentication works just fine. To validate the bound model's entire object graph, including collection Jul 6, 2020 · I can use the Microsoft. Here is my app. But in the app the Roles tag does not work. Net 8. I'm working on a new project that will have some in depth policies for what user can and can't access/see, with Identity Server 4. @inject IAuthorizationService AuthorizationService. cs) services. Jan 22, 2021 · Blazor cascading AuthorizeView Policy not working. Copy. Apr 1, 2022 · I would like to have a section of a NavBar component wrapped in an <AuthorizeView> tag to limit access to only authorized users, but then use nested <AuthorizeView Roles="admin, user, etc"> within to show/hide various options within the list, if shown. In Blazor we use AuthorizeView component to show or hide UI elements depending on whether the user is authorized to see it. 0, 9. For authorization code that runs on the server, authorization Oct 11, 2019 · 12. razor page with the following code. Based on user role different UI will be shown, however this didnt work. <p><Button @onclick="LoginClicked">Click to Login</Button>. public static class Policies. I dont get authenticated anymore. This should kick-off authentication. I have a DotNet 8 Blazor Server App and I can get the basic auth0 authentication working and protect pages, etc. You can be more selective: You don't May 9, 2024 · I have already written six articles about the Blazor server on C# Corner. razor in order to display the correct content. [CascadingParameter] protected Task<AuthenticationState> AuthState { get; set; } To check if the user has the correct role. See Blazor Server Forms. Sep 16, 2022 · 2. Here is the code I try but it doesn't works as follow: @page "/product". DefaultPolicy; Blazor provides support for validating form input using data annotations with the built-in DataAnnotationsValidator. 0. AuthorizeView sets the context for it's content to the current AuthenticationState. best regards. Check out the source code for this example here. So I see this call method GetAuthenticationStateAsync() and by debug I saw this added claims, but <AuthorizeView> still not thinking, that Im authorized. I have had some success with . In this example, AuthorizeView component is used in it's simplest form, without any parameters (i. This method: public void AuthenticateUser(AuthorizedModel model) { var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(new [] { //Some my claims </p> </Authorized> <NotAuthorized> <p> The user is NOT in the 'Administrator' role and sees this content. I want to access a specific razor page without login. The way to solve the problem is by first doing: public class LogoutModel : PageModel { public async Task OnGet(string redirectUri) { await HttpContext. getElementById(buttonID). NET 5. If you have logic within page markup for determining whether to display some code to a certain user, you can replace this with the AuthorizeView component. razor component looks like this: <p>Please login</p>. I have a Blazor server application with Identity setup to utilize a SQL Server. CreateDefault(args); builder. Aug 12, 2020 · If so, you can achieve it by the following steps: First create a RedirectToLogin. However, I have a couple of scenarios where I need to authorize multiple roles within the AuthorizeView component, and I'm not sure I'm doing it the best way. Steps To Reproduce. // By default, all incoming requests will be authorized according to the default policy. After that create a new class called Policies with the following code. Role by default ,it seems that something got wrong with your claim mapping,you could call JsonWebTokenHandler. So when I add policy-based authorization to the Startup. I have a working . 1 and the AuthorizeView Roles doesn't seem to recognize the role that is in the database. However, I'm encountering issues with this setup, and the authorization policy doesn't seem to work as expected. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. This approach is useful when you only need to display data for the user and don't need to use the user's identity in procedural logic. I couldn't find such code in its implementation but I could be wrong. its either authorized or not. May 9, 2021 · Once a user sign-in the user is being redirect to profile page where set of claims are displayed. WebAssembly. Oct 18, 2021 · The provided answers helped me to figure it out and there is good explanaition on Blazor University - RenderFragements (entire chapter, this page and the 4 following) As seen in Official Docs here and here the AuthorizeView has a property ChildContent of type RenderFragment<AuthenticationState> decorated with Parameter. This second option is more involved but better in the end, since currently each individual framework (MVC, the authorization middleware and Blazor) all need to have code to handle this scenario. AddAuthorization(options =>. Go back to the Index page, click login, and then choose Set Authenticated. At one point I use this method to update the role, and an ServerSide AuthorizeView Role="administrator" does not recognise existing claim. just as Taco mentioned,The AuthorizeView component would read role from ClaimTypes. Sep 4, 2020 · 1. 0. May 14, 2020 · I have been trying to learn Blazor identity service. AddSingleton<WeatherForecastService>(); You first have to add the Razor Pages services and the Blazor Server App services, and only then add custom services. Add May 25, 2023 · Using your 2nd method, a redirect component in App. User I can see that my identity is authenticated and I can see a roles claim that contains a list of groups that I belong to. Authentication of native apps uses an OS Jun 12, 2020 · Hi! I just try it and it's not work. Nov 27, 2019 · If the connection uses long polling the active directory group membership initially evaluates correctly then the screen immediately updates and removes the AuthorizeView Roles section. I have an issue regarding role management in Blazor 5. razor ): C#. This component is very useful when you want to show page content based on the role, policy, or authentication status of the user. AddAuthorizationCore(); Following that, add your custom AuthenticationStateProvider by implementing that class and overriding the GetAuthenticationStateAsync method. /// This method returns the LoginResponse object. How do I do that? Any Idea? I tried adding @attribute [AllowAnonymous] to the razor page. Identity pages and wish to use a Blazor component inside one of the razor pages by using t Mar 5, 2024 · 542 6 22. Want to take your Authorization to the next level? → fga. Oct 13, 2023 · In the Auth page the AuthorizeView does not work reliably in Blazor-Web-App Template. RedirectToLogin. Greg Gum. FallbackPolicy = options. Jul 29, 2023 · 0. I cannot find a solid example. Open DB, added a couple of roles ("admin", "user") Apr 10, 2023 · Role-Based Access Control and Auth0. SignOutAsync(OpenIdConnectDefaults. This code, for example, added to a component, would only allow users in the Admin and SalesManager roles to access the component: @attribute [Authorize(Roles = "Admin, SalesManager")] Authorizing Parts of a Component. ADMIN UI. NET 8 blazor web app with interactive server component ) by changing the target framework and App. Nov 3, 2020 · The AuthorizeView is Blazor built-in component that able to show page content based on user 's authentication state. After a user is authenticated, authorization rules are app Feb 9, 2024 · AuthorizeView component. When running WebSite in frameworks higher than 5 in BLAZOR, all the script files used in the mentioned folder must be copied. An ASP. Nov 15, 2021 · Blazor does not support authorizing "folders". razor: Blazor AuthorizeView component. My AD Group authorization works perfectly in my development environment but when I publish to IIS it does not. However, I guess that you're using Blazor Server as it seems to me that you're using WindowsAuthentication, right? The following are the steps to do it: Oct 30, 2020 · Basic authentication works. First, add this Javascript to your project. razor and Home. Your answer as well as the docs do not provide any useful information about this. Jun 3, 2023 · 1. 1, 5. cs file and then add AuthorizeView to my Blazor page, I get an error: crit: Microsoft. All I know is that RadzenLayout does is to render its children and does interfere with AuthorizeView. This article describes ASP. Let’s head over to Visual Studio and Create a new Project. Jun 19, 2020 · Update the authorization package to handle AllowAnonymous within the authorization framework by making the policy succeed. { public class OfficeAuthorize : IAuthorizationFilter { private readonly string _scenario; public OfficeAuthorize(string scenario) _scenario = scenario; public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext context) Apr 13, 2022 · The [Authorize] attribute only works on @page components that are reached via the Blazor Router. This can be done by commenting the fallback policy out in "Program. //options. Jan 28, 2021 · area-blazor Includes: Blazor, Razor Components feature-blazor-wasm This issue is related to and / or impacts Blazor WebAssembly Needs: Attention 👋 This issue needs the attention of a contributor, typically because the OP has provided an update. Because the physical path defined by default in IIS does not have direct access to these folders in the shared layer. Feb 14, 2020 · Here is my custom AuthorizationFilter, I don't know how to use it within the blazor razor file. Jul 30, 2019 · Increase productivity and cut cost in half! Give it a try for free. Blazor expects multiple role claims with the same type, one role per claim. NET Core's support for the configuration and management of security in Blazor apps. razor: You can apply a specific layout to your login page, using the @layout attribute, which will override the default MainLayout. Now I will cover how to restrict access based on the roles of individual users. Instead of the main application navigating to the login route, I open a popup that has a login button. NET Core Identity in Blazor Hybrid apps. So, if the user is not logged in, the app uses the PublicLayout. NET 7 to be (. But it did not work for me. </p> </NotAuthorized> </AuthorizeView> and none of them worked. I can login and logout and when I look at @@context. Create New Blazor app -> WASM (. NET Blazor server app which I am trying to add Roles to. You could try with Policy based Authorization, a minimal example here: public RoleIssuserRequirement(string role, string issuer) Role = role; Issuer = issuer; public string Issuer { get; set; } public string Role { get; set; } public class RoleIssuerHandler : AuthorizationHandler<RoleIssuserRequirement>. Jan 12, 2022 · area-blazor Includes: Blazor, Razor Components feature-blazor-builtin-components Features related to the built in components we ship or could ship in the future Needs: Author Feedback The author of this issue needs to respond in order for us to continue investigating this issue. I want to add or remove role when the user is already authenticated. Feb 21, 2024 · I took the existing application, and added the Authentication bits that are included when you create a new Blazor app with Microsoft Identity authentication. However, when I publish the app to App Service and test it out, no user has any roles and therefore can't use any of Sep 3, 2019 · AuthorizeRouteView Not working for logged out users. NET Core Identity. I have tried Policy='AccessLevelList("4", "5")', but this requires the single-quotes which results in the string value of the attribute being passed directly to the authorization policy provider rather than the attribute being passed to the attribute class. asp. edited Dec 12, 2022 at 12:32. I scaffolded the AspNet. I have got the Roles added on the Azure portal, and when testing locally on localhost the Roles work fine and I can control who sees what parts of the app. Using AuthorizeView with no specified roles works as expected. I saw @SteveSandersonMS comment and made a new single project for investigating (blazor web app with interactive server component) and fake auth , Sep 5, 2022 · In Blazor Server Project #14, I applied simple authorization for users with no role. Feb 25, 2024 · I created a component around this code that allows you to use any clickable control to log out. Part 3: Configuring Role-based Authorization with client-side Nov 16, 2021 · Creating shared policies. We need to install the Microsoft. baouss. Learn Blazor On the Go Invest in Our Future. Is there something I am missing? I also verified that the token has the admin role. NET Core Endpoint Routing. Nov 10, 2020 · Hi, my expected result would be: You can only see this if you are a developer admin!!! Hello world; You are not a dev; This on the assumption that I am a member of the AD group UserGroup_DEVELOPERADMINS and not in the other UserGroup_DEVELOPER. NET. /// </summary>. If the user is authenticated, then the authorization is granted otherwise not. The attribute does not work with child components, which should instead use AuthorizeView. NET Core's support for the configuration and management of security and ASP. In my Blazor server app, I've created a custom authenticationStateProvider to validate user from my own database. Authorization on the other hand isn't. 0) - [Authentication = Individual User Accts - ASP. We will scaffold the Blazor server app that gets created by default. 0, 7. You will need to authorize components instead. It works correctly, but in my app. Nov 6, 2023 · Step 1: Create a Blazor Server app. Name, "newbie"), new Claim( ClaimTypes. Since you are using blazor server, you may however match routes and apply authorization using a middleware Nov 8, 2023 · Everything is pretty much working except one thing which is the login link. And she wants to know how it is done in the context of Windows Authentication. My Public. @page "/". Rendering. These requirements were not met:RolesAuthorizationRequirement:User. razor and Routes. click(); Jul 6, 2021 · I have been creating a project in Blazor WASM and using Identity Server. Here's what I've done so far: Jun 20, 2019 · The following markup does not render inside AuthorizeView Roles="admin tag set: [Admin] <AuthorizeView Roles="admin, superuser"> [Admin] </AuthorizeView> when authenticating with AAD user with the roles: Application administrator; Authentication administrator; Global administrator; User administrator and is a member of a custom group called Authorization on Route →. AuthorizeView blazor webassembly doesn't work. Oct 24, 2019 · You did not mention whether you're using a Blazor WebAssembly or Blazor Server. razor file, but the library project doesn't recognize this namespace. I'm using Auth0 authentication in my Blazor WASM app and trying to NOT display the top header and nav bar for unauthenticated users so I added AuthorizeView to both my MainLayout. e roles or policies), so, it only checks if the user is authenticated. Using VS Community 2019 V16. AuthorizeView Policy: Blazor Page not displaying. Hence {@contenxt. document. All posts in the Using Auth0 with Blazor Web Apps series. AuthenticationScheme); await HttpContext. all was working fine and Solution was being built up. I can successfully use for just making sure someone is signed-in. I think I will resort to AuthorizeView in the MainLayout and other pages probably for now. Role, "guest") }, "auth")); return await Task. After opening the project, the Jan 23, 2024 · sso, application. Here is my Blazor page <AuthorizeView Roles="Admin" Context="adminContext"> Jan 24, 2024 · This enables us to use Blazor’s built-in auth components like AuthorizeView in all components, irrespective of where they’re running (on the server via SSR, or interactively on the server or client via WASM). Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is an authorization model that simplifies the process of assigning permissions to users. The authentication works there though and I can see when I go to my site that I am the authenticated user but it is as if I am not in any of the groups, I am using to authorize parts of my application. Is there some limitation or am I doing Nov 11, 2019 · That's why it is called Single Page Application framework :) If user does not have access to that single page, any Blazor code does not matter. Is this problem with App. public static class TokenConfig { public static void AddJwt(this IServiceCollection services Jul 7, 2022 · I have a Blazor server-side project that was set up with Individual Accounts. @attribute [AllowAnonymous] only works within Blazor app, but services. razor page markup: <Router AppAssembly="@typeof(App). 0, 8. razor, etc. Mar 11, 2022 · I have a . razor page? – Sep 8, 2023 · I'm working on a Blazor application, and I'm trying to apply a custom authorization policy using the [Authorize] attribute to allow anonymous access to certain components. First of all I'm signed in and the index lists my claims. AuthorizeView component selectively displays UI content depending on whether the user is authorized. a Blazor app is a single http request. asked Feb 29 at 12:30. Jul 16, 2021 · Anything else results in the attribute not being found or it will not compile. Sep 26, 2023 · I upgraded the blazor server from . net core 3. I created a new Blazor App, Server Side with Authentication method Windows Authentication and overwrote the FetchData. dev. 13. All you need to do is: StateHasChanged(); I just built a login control yesterday, so here are some bonus things you might want to know: My login control has this: <Login OnLogin="LoginComplete"></Login>. System. @inject WebsiteAuthenticator WebsiteAuthenticator. net-authorization. But I am unable to get the AuthorizeView tag working to protect things like navlinks. On the other hand, if I try to do it in code and I've set up a little message if it finds the role with the user, it finds the role and displays the ""User is a Valid User" message. DefaultInboundClaimTypeMap to check the mapping dictionary in . However, I can't get it to work in my Razor Class Library project. I am wondering if I need to create a custom AuthenticationStateProvider to keep track of the state. But when I publish the application, and start it locally it does not work anymore. This answer is making an assumption - AuthorizedView is a type and you mean AuthorizeView and not some custom AuthorizedView component. If I use AuthorizeView Authorized and NotAuthorized I can show/hide components easily. In my page I use often the. Force LongPolling Jan 31, 2021 · The idea is user with specific roles will get access based on the permission/claims of those roles. builder. razor for testing purposes: function clickButton(buttonID){. razor: @inject NavigationManager Navigation. net 7 but what worked in . WebAssemblyRenderer[100] Unhandled exception rendering component: The AuthorizationPolicy named: 'SuperAdmin' was not found. 2. NET 8 version of this article. just copy all of scripts in script folder in shared folder into wwwroot folder. Authentication in Blazor Hybrid apps is handled by native platform libraries, as they offer enhanced security guarantees that the browser sandbox can't offer. I'm trying to use Blazor with . my program class looks like this: public static async Task Main(string[] args) var builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder. However, I can't use two <AuthorizeView> tags due to context conflicts. js:1 crit: Microsoft. 0 MVC website, using AzureAD for authentication, this all works fine. com Nov 15, 2023 · I am working on a custom setup with external auth provider and making blazor part work is a nightmare. net 7 and Blazor does not work in . A Blazor Web App is integrated into ASP. AddBlazoredLocalStorage(); Jul 23, 2019 · Part 4: Configuring Policy-based Authorization with Blazor. Role instead of "roles","roles" would be mapped to ClaimTypes. My server-side blazor project is successfully redirected to the IdentityServer4, where I log in, then I am successfully The authentication works when I start the application in Visual Studio 2019. NET Core 3. Here's my MainLayout. AspNetCore. In the following example, [Authorize] attribute is used in it's simplest form, without any parameters (i. public const string IsAdmin = "IsAdmin"; public const string IsUser = "IsUser"; Aug 11, 2021 · First, you need to add the options services and authorization core in your Configure method (Startup. It can be an independent page or you can also use the Content Projection technique to reduce the amount of work when you want to display a login form if the user is not authenticated. Aug 10, 2023 · the AuthorizeView component does not require authentication, it only display content based on the current state. In the OnInitializedAsync method of this page, by judging whether there is currently a user logged in, and if not, redirect to the Login page. That popup will then have a login button that goes through the usual app flow. 3. I have started to migrate some of the front-end pages to Blazor (in same project) but cannot get authentication to work. But my question is: why can't my code recognize LoadUser even though MyServerAuthenticationProvider is declaed as scoped to AuthenticationStateProvider in Feb 9, 2022 · I have an ASP. Nov 7, 2019 · Since its inception as an intriguing experiment in leveraging WebAssembly to enable dynamic web development with C#, Blazor has evolved into a mature, fully featured framework. RootComponents. razor but I do not get redirected to Azure to login as I Jan 24, 2021 · Blazor Role Authorization not working. There are several ways to do this, but you can add it to your App. 8. Create new "Blazor-Web-App" with the options "Single Accounts / Auto Jan 23, 2024 · sso, application. 0; Combine SQL-DB and MongoDB in the Same Blazor App Jan 28, 2021 · The [AllowAnonymous] won't work here, since <AuthorizeView> in layout page has distinguished between authorized users and unauthorized users, it even doesn't reach [AllowAnonymous] in specify page. cshtml Aug 24, 2019 · I am not sure if I am not sure if I am not using AuthenticationStateProvider correctly, and I have not been able to find any examples online of how to implement a custom login in razor. Nov 11, 2023 · 1. Core. Sometimes the "Hello {Username}" inside the AuthorizeView is not displayed (see steps to reproduce) Expected Behavior. Translate Blazor AuthorizeView into code behind. AddMvcCore(options => options. _Host. Also I am not sure that AuthorizeView ever redirects to the login. cs". In parts 1 and 2 of this series I’ve shown how to create both server-side and client-side Blazor apps with authentication. May 6, 2021 · blazor. – Apr 6, 2021 · I do not know how it work exactly but you should pass a string parameter "auth" when create Claimprinciple as shown below: public override async Task<AuthenticationState> GetAuthenticationStateAsync() { claimsPrincipal = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new List<Claim> { new Claim( ClaimTypes. Create A Simple Blazor Server Application With . Authorization is setup in the startup of the WebAssembly with this: public static IServiceCollection AddPowerToolsWebServices(this IServiceCollection services) services. Create a new Blazor Server App using Windows Authentication. this request is either authorized or not, so the authorization state is the same for the life of the app. This distinction is important, especially when Authentication is involved. Feb 29, 2020 · 2. I am using IdentityServer4 to store and manage my authorization and Identity for authentication. I use the default identity system in this project. May 18, 2020 · services. I found the solution. Jan 13, 2023 · Unfortunately I don't know. razor which looks like this: @Body. The IdentityServer4 is a separate mvc project. 0, 6. net cor 3. I have added the @attribute [Authorize] tag to the top of Index. WebAssemblyRenderer[100] Unhandled exception rendering component: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 1 Blazor server project. AddOptions(); services. NET Core hosted checked] dotnet-ef database update. Components. The default root component (first component loaded) is the App component ( App. Nov 26, 2019 · Really simple. razor page, I've set NotAuthorized tag to redirect anonymous user to login page, but that doesn't work. 0, 3. net 8. Apr 2, 2021 · 5. 0; Create a Single Page App with Blazor Server and Entity Framework Core 3. Additionally, this component supplies a cascading parameter of type Task<TResult>, which makes the user's current authentication Feb 18, 2022 · We have to use RoleClaimType = "Roles" in TokenValidationParameters:. webassembly. Run your app, click Counter Not Authorized text is displayed. Sep 16, 2021 · 2. Assembly Mar 25, 2020 · If the user is not authenticated, we redirect to the built-in The RemoteAuthenticatorView component at the "authentication/" enpoint with the "login" action. Authorization. Landing page and everything is parked within the <NotAuthorized> area Dec 13, 2023 · I have been working on this for weeks since the release. Part 2: Authentication with client-side Blazor using WebAPI and ASP. SignOutAsync(CookieAuthenticationDefaults. Filter. This component also supports policy-based authorization and role-based authorization. In this model, users who belong to a role have a specific set of permissions. Part 1: Introduction to Authentication with server-side Blazor. Additionally I'm using IdentityManager2 to assist with ensuring the account/roles are setup and everything works properly everywhere except for AuthorizeView and Authorize. AuthenticationScheme, new AuthenticationProperties { RedirectUri = redirectUri, }); } } Jul 5, 2022 · NavMenu is MainLayout's child, it's not shown if user is not authorized, after a successful login the AuthorizeView of MainLayout works correctly and shows NavMenu but NavMenu's AuthorizeView is not working unless I refresh the page In This video you will learn how to implement role authorization in server side Blazor Application. All the code for this post is available on Mar 17, 2022 · There is no need to subclass any classes. 😄 1. NET Core app is configured to accept incoming connections for interactive components with MapRazorComponents in the Program file. jd qp np qa xy dl oo hg li xc